Once a document has been notarised, it is usually necessary for the notary’s signature and seal to be certified as genuine by governmental authorities before it can be used overseas. This process is called legalisation.

Find an embassy

Woodcock Notary Public can assist you in legalising your documents at your desired embassy or consulate.

We have a dedicated team of consular liaison experts who will oversee the delivery of your documents to your consulate/embassy.

We have compiled a list of embassies from the Government’s website for your convenience.

Embassies inside London, United Kingdom

Embassies outside London, United Kingdom

Need advice on apostilles and embassy legalisation?

If you are unsure about the legalisation requirements for your document, you can always ask our experts. We can discuss your legalisation requirements with you and provide the most cost-effective approach for getting your documents notarised and legalised. We aim to give you a clear understanding of the requirements for legalisation and apostille services in the UK, and the fees in your initial consultation, so that there are no surprise costs later.

You can arrange the legalisation of your documents yourself, with our guidance. However, Woodcock Notary Public can provide this service for you to avoid hassle and delays.

Apostille services UK

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